Opportunity for RI Artists

RISCA is partnering with Assets for Artists, please read more about the opportunity below: 

Assets for Artists is a matched savings account program offering grant funds of up to $2,000 and workshops and personal training to improve entrepreneurial artists’ financial and professional/business skills.

By meeting a savings goal and completing the required training, participating artists can earn up to $2,000 as a match for their own savings, providing “working capital” to implement their arts business plan. Free training includes a dynamic single-session "bootcamp" on personal finance for artists with Esther Robinson of ArtHome, followed by enrollment in the International Institute of New England's “Bridges to Business” Program, providing artist-focused business planning classes and additional 1-on-1 technical assistance.

Pre-Application Deadline: March 22, 2013
For more information and to start an application, please go here: http://www.arts.ri.gov/individuals/assets-for-artists-2013.php


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