John Kotula Exhibiting in The World's Smallest Art Gallery

John Kotula will be exhibiting in The World's Smallest Art Gallery, a kiosk on the South County Bike Path, September 15th through November 1st, 2012.
John Kotula had not intended to exhibit his own work in The World's Smallest Art Gallery, but had a last minute cancellation and had recently completed this series of 30 I-Pad drawings.

Each month, Annex Comics organizes a Facebook event called a 30 Day Drawing Challenge. A prompt is posted for each day of the month and participants create a piece of artwork in response to the prompt. People do drawings, cartoons, paintings, poems, stories, etc. and post them on the Facebook Event Page.

These are Kotula's drawings for August 2012. They were all done on his I-Pad using a variety of aps, primarily Sketchbook Pro, Photo Toaster, and Gradient. Each piece includes a photo of a vintage handkerchief.

The World’s Smallest Art Gallery is:
• A kiosk on the South County Bike Path ( It is located in Peace Dale where the bike path crosses Route 108. The kiosk is a beautifully designed and built structure that has two display cases. Each measures 42” X 41” x 2”. The cases are weatherproof and have sturdy locks.
• A joint project of Hera Gallery ( and Peace Dale Neighborhood Revitalization, Inc. (
• A place to show your artwork. Hera Gallery will be managing the kiosk as a place for artists to display their work. You may have a six-week, one-person show in the kiosk on a first come, first serve basis. Work is not juried, but must be “family friendly.” Artists are asked to choose work that does not depict nudity, sexuality or violence. Neither Hera Gallery nor PDNRI will insure the work. Artists display work at their own risk.
• A way of having your work seen by a lot of people. The bike path has very heavy traffic, especially during the Spring, Summer and early Fall. Many bikers, runners and walkers pass by every hour. There will not be sales from the Kiosk, but your display can include your contact information. Hera Gallery will publicize The World’s Smallest Gallery on its website, blog, and Constant Contact mailings. A Facebook page will be developed.
• A way to beautify the community. The stretch of the bike path where the kiosk is located contains other artwork including murals, sculpture, mosaics, and landscape architecture. The World’s Smallest Art Gallery will add to the beautification of this area.
John Kotula is the coordinator of this project for Hera Gallery. If you are interested in showing your artwork on the bike path contact John at to get more details and to schedule a show.

Check out John's blogs: 
Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man 


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