
Meet Hera Artist and new Vice President Chad Amos Self!

"Thoughts, ideas and memories are constantly floating around in my mind. The best way for me to organize them is through imagery. "

Tell us your artist story, some biographical info, when did you decide to be an artist? Why do you make art? Where did you study? Etc.

I started making objects when I was very young. I was always fascinated with the freedom I experienced building something. I remember loading up my backpack with tools from the garage and going into the woods to build forts out of found scrap wood and debris. These early endeavors were meditative and important to me. They gave me a space to be creative with the limitless resources the forest and my imagination provided me.

I make art because I have to make art. Thoughts, ideas and memories are constantly floating around in my mind. The best way for me to organize them is through imagery. I make art because it helps me continue this inner dialogue happening in my mind. Materializing these thoughts into objects helps me put a timestamp on the conversation.

I received my BFA from the University of Rhode Island and I am currently working on my MFA from Goddard College.

What do you want people to walk away with after experiencing your work?

My imagery is inspired by the activity of creation. I enjoy the footprint left in art by its creator. When I am working on a piece, I let the act of making art dictate where the piece goes. The colors and patterns I choose are not perfect representations, but rather abstract memories. When I make art, I don’t have an agenda or a singular message for the viewer. Rather, my work should be viewed formally as a conversation between the artist and the art.

What influences your work? Why?

My influences are varied and comically unaligned. Academically, I am influenced by 20th century minimal art. Stella, Flavin, and Judd, among many, many, others. Personally, am influenced by city construction, traffic cones and potholes.

Why are you a member of Hera?

Hera is, and always has been a safe space for me to continue exploring and practicing my art. Similar to my journey into the woods as a child to build forts, Hera has allowed me limitless freedom to further examine my own imagination.

To see more of Chad's work visit his website: https://www.chadamosself.com

To Purchase Chad's work visit the Hera Gallery online store: https://www.heragallery.org/new-products


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