
From Hera Board President Uli Brahmst:

some days I am overflowing with gratitude
I feel the planet breathing
love and care pouring out
blessings all around
other days I find myself in a dark vortex of dread
exhausted hospital workers
mask imprints on their teary faces
wrapped bodies in dismal isolation
endless lines at food banks
rapidly climbing unemployment numbers
lies, betrayal, a true sense of horror
and most days I fluctuate between both

A month ago, on March 27th I committed to post a daily drawing on fb for the duration of our shelter in place order. The drawings are my contribution to the larger creative response to our shared Covid-19 reality.


Donna Gustafson said…
Amazing! The stories these drawings tell. The emotion they reveal.
the goodness is... creativity flowing out of a dismal situation affecting everyone.
Thank you Uli. !!!
Unknown said…
I look forward to seeing your new drawing every day!

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