Introducing the World's Smallest Art Gallery!!!
Sevan is the inaugural artist exhibiting in The World’s Smallest Art Gallery*. His paintings will be on display from April 15 through the May 31. Sevan, a.k.a. 90Sevan, is an interdisciplinary artist who works in both visual and performance arts. He tries not to define himself beyond saying that he wants to use his expressive and crea...tive talents to contribute to art and culture over time. He is the vocalist and lyricist for the group Broken Ground. You can hear Sevan’s music and see more of his artwork at Hempfest at URI. You can contact Sevan at
Curator’s comments: Here is my recommendation: buy one of Sevan’s paintings and hang it at the foot of your bed. Look at it when you wake up in the morning. You will save a
*The World’s Smallest Art Gallery is kiosk on the South County Bike Path ( It is located in Peace Dale where the bike path crosses Route 108. It is a joint project of Hera Gallery ( and Peace Dale Neighborhood Revitalization, Inc. ( John Kotula is the coordinator of this project for Hera Gallery. If you are interested in showing your artwork on the bike path contact John at to get more details and to schedule a show.