Rhode Island Citizens for the Arts needs your help

This is an informational letter from Alexandra Broches, Gallery President:


As you know I have been receiving emails from RI Citizens for the Arts and have attended meetings at RISCA where they have been present to discuss critical budgetary issues effecting the arts in RI.

RICFA, RI's advocacy group for the arts, is itself facing financial a financial crisis. I quote from a recent email.

"Most of you know by now the tenuous situation RI CFA has found ourselves in financially. We announced on March 1 to our organization partners, if we do not raise $20K by the end of this month, we will no longer be able to continue spearheading the advocacy efforts for the arts, lobbying at the State House, and working to protect RISCA funds and programs. We asked for your help.

Since this call, many of you have taken action to reach out to your constituents and generate much needed funds towards our goal. THANK YOU! We are just over 1/2 way there, and I am happy to announce
we have received a $5000 anonymous matching donation (from a former RI CFA board member)."

I urge you to go to their website and join to support this important and effective organization. For quick access, their membership page with paypal link is here: http://www.ri4arts.org/member.htm

While there check out the links to the Advocacy Toolkit and Issues Action Center. Sign up for email alerts.

The future for artists, arts organizations and public access depends on all of us taking action NOW.



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