Sum of All Parts July 25th - August 24th

Sum of All Parts: Collage & Assemblage
July 27th to August 24th 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, June 27th 6:00 to 8:00pm

In this exhibition Hera members and invited artists are taking a collective look at an art form that is a hundred years old but continues to provide inspiration for contemporary artists. Collage derives its name from the French verb coller, to glue and involves gluing things to a two-dimensional surface. Picasso and Braque are credited with making collage an art form during the Cubist period. Assemblage consists of making two- or three-dimensional compositions from found objects. In addition, collage made from photographs, or parts of photographs, is called photomontage. Today some artists are using then computer to work in this fashion.

Participating Hera Gallery members include: Joan Bishop, Alexandra Broches, Linda Denosky Smart, Claudia Flynn, Paul Forte, John Kotula, Jill McLaughlin, Barbara Pagh, Myron Rubenstein, Chad Amos Self, Amanda Swain Bingham, Mara Trachtenberg, and Michael Yefko.

Invited Artists include: Cynthia Farnell, Topher Gent, Judith Heep, Jack Massey, Darrell Matsumoto, Babs Owen, Pina Sbrocca, Dora Szekely, Troy West, MJ Yeager


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