Images Evolve
Dreams, memories, a stream of consciousness, instinctive flow, pushing form and stressing content...that's how Images Evolve. The upcoming exhibition of recent paintings by artists Carl Dimitri from Rhode Island, Samantha Listorti from Connecticut and Aaron Wetjen-Barry aka a-ronious from Boston presented in the galleries at Hygienic Art. The show runs from February 19th until March 12th. The show is located at Hygienic Art, 79 Bank Street in New London, CT.
Check it out:
1. An active boardmember ( Terry "Davo" Davis ) had a blog on the hygienic website for 3 months, in which he describes Marc Chagall & Milton Glasier as "Jew artists".
2. That there was a case of sexual harrassment filed against the president V.Scarano & treasurer J.Stidfole of Hygienic Art Inc. (CHRO Case# 0740337).
( This suit cost Hyg.Art.Inc. over $20,000 in atty fees & settlement ) See 2007 tax records.
3. Multiple Dept.of Labor Law violations. (6) involving the same parties. monies paid = $3700.
4. A artpiece that satirized the sexual harrassment , was documented and witnessed as entered into the infamous"uncensored" annual hygienic (29th.) show. mysteriously disappeared when the gallery was closed for "cleaning"!
5. Listen Carefully! Read the full vid description.
6. As both ex-vice-president and original incorporating officer, I can personally attest to the above, (also utilizing F.O.I.) and also being threatened with arrest TWICE by Mr. Scarano (hyg. pres.), once at a board meeting because I notified some of hygienic arts finiancial supporters of hygienics board anti-semeitc apathy .
When I went to a boardmeeting, I was threatened with arrest by their president, Vincent Scarano, because I sent a " f*^king letter "and I signed it! - yet another boardmember ( Joe Althouse) defended Davo's blog as "freedom of speech".
Now isn't this ironic, for not only was I was once an officer and leading force in Hygienic Arts incorporation, but they decided that one of their fellow boardmembers anti-semitic rants was easier to defend then taking action and doing the right thing.
I have also been banned within hours from their website for speaking out on Hygienic's hypocrisy, though Davo's anti-semitic blog was allowed to remain for 3 months.
It's also ironic because Hygienic Art grew to fame because of it's annual "uncensored" art show.
Please let it be noted that Hygienic Art was started by Allyson Holtz, a jewish artist!
Gregg Grippo
Norwich, Ct