The Rhode Island Sea Grant: Visual Arts, 2010
The Visual Arts Program of Sea Grant Rhode Island was established in 1988 to encourage New England professional visual artists to address the issue of the environment of the ocean and its coastal communities. Grants are intended to assist individual and collaborating artists whose works are related to themes of the marine environment. Curatorial proposals will be considered. The grants, up to $3,000, are awarded annually. Applicants must submit: A maximum of 10 digital images of recent work Digital entries should be saved in RGB (not CMYK) color Image Mode, in JPEG file format, and be readable by Macintosh platforms. They recommend an image size- in Pixel Dimensions- of approximately 1024 Pixels on the longest side (in width or height). If possible save the file name of each image as 'artists initials_image number_brief title.jpg': (ex: VLM_1_crustacean.jpg, VLM_2_giantsquid.jpg, etc.). Do not send PowerPoint presentations or automated slide presentations. Send the images on ...