
Showing posts from August, 2009

Mobile Art Truck on WRNI

On the first day of the travels of the Mobile Art Project, we were joined by Bob Seay, from Rhode Island NPR station, WRNI. You can listen to Bob's story about the Mobile Art Project here, as well as see a slide show of images from the event.

Mobile Art Truck

Here are some images from our recent travels with the Mobile Art Truck. You can get more information about the project and view more images at the Mobile Art Trucks website. The Mobile Art Truck at the Kingston Train Station The Mobile Art Truck at the Narragansett Towers The Mobile Art Truck at the AS200 Foo Fest in Providence The Mobile Art Truck at the Courthouse Center for the Arts in Kingston

Installing at the Cranston Public Library

Hera Gallery members will be exhibiting artwork at the Cranston Public Library's main branch during the month of August. Participating is Linda Denosky-Smart, Barbara Pagh, Jeannette Jacobs, Alexandra Broches, Roberta Richman, and John Kotula. Yesterday, Barbara and I hung the work at the Library. The space is matriculated into the library, and offers good visibility. Here are some images.